9th European Cave Rescue Meeting

9th European Cave Rescue Meeting 2015 is going to take place in Mescek haza, Orfű, Hungary between 2nd – 4th October 2015.

Organized by Magyar Barlangi Mentőszolgálat (Hungarian Cave Rescue Service)
on a behalf of European Cave Rescue Association


Dear all

Progress and popularization of caving worldwide as a result had exploration of more complex and deep caves. No matter is it scientific exploration or simple visit number of cavers is increased and a time spent underground is expended. More and more cavers use technic for climbing, for enlargement of narrow passages, cave diving, certain construction interventions etc.

In front of cave rescuers are increasing demands and challenges, Cave rescue services needs more cave rescuers, more ropes, gear, better logistic, rescuers trained for special technics, skill for public relations for lengthy and exhausting cave rescue operations. Sometimes is needed international intervention like cave rescue operation in Riesending.

Therefore the aim of this year European Cave Rescue Meeting will be two specific topics which are not under scope of attention. They are extremely important and will be discuss in two specific workshops.

During 9th Cave Rescue Meeting in Orfű, Hungary General Assembly of ECRA will take place.

1. Hostels and bivouacs workshop

a. Hostels” for rescuers during large cave rescue operation.
By „Hostels” we mean resting places or bivouacs for rescuers during large cave rescue operation. During large cave rescue operation rescuers can be involved in manoeuvres with stretcher’s more than 10h, mistimes even 20h. Total time spent in cave can be 30-40h. Tired rescuer is potential risk to himself be hurt. His effectiveness decrease after 10h, soon he should take rest. In a case that he must climb out of cave it take times and strength to do this. New rescuers must arrive and continue with transport. In a large caves a specific “hostels” for rescuers can be set. The advantage is that fewer people can rotate and perform manoeuvres with stretchers and take a rest. If the stretchers transport occur far away from entrance than those hostels save a significant time and power of rescuers since they don’t have to climbing out and descent. One of important issues for success of Resending cave rescue operation was that in cave exist “Hostels”. On the other hand a big problem was hygiene and logistic for “hostels”.

b. Bivouacs for injured person
The first team which will be sent in cave rescue operation is team for basic assessment of victim. Several rescuers will find injured person, scan situation, status of injured person, location in cave, perspective for transport, does injured person need transport and sent information to surface. This team will set suitable bivouac or ”hot place”, where is possible to provide first aid, detail examination, medical care and give transport teams precious time to set line for evacuating of stretchers. Attached to this team is always team which will establish communication between bivouacs and surface.

2. Bad (foul) air

In some areas is important problem of presence of foul air in caves. Cave can be polluted by toxic cases as carbon monoxide or methane are or there can be reduced level of oxygen naturally since they are use as savage dump. The third possibility is that in cave is normal air but cavers using explosive or petrol engine polluted air a cause foul air. In all cases is problem for rescuer how to perform rescue operation since they are also endangered. How to provide first aid, how to protect themselves, made evacuation or maybe improve air conditions.

ECRA General Assembly

Topics for the general assembly:

1. Changing of constitution according new legislation requirements
2. Voting for new members from Austria, Germany and Bosnia and Herzegovina
3. Future collaboration in EU projects
4. WEB pages collaboration, to add planed annual activates for each service
5. Next ECRA meeting

We would like to invite you, please bring specific equipment, present specific knowledge and experience regarding these two topics.

Please share experience that you have regarding “hostels”, problems, pitfalls, troubleshootings etc. or rescuers. It will be very valuable if each service can present what procedure is in use for the first team for basic assessment, team members and duties, what kind of bivouac is in use.

It will be very valuable we can share information about accidents that occurred and how rescue was done. What medical care was provide and what strategy is use to protect rescuers from foul air.

Please join meeting to support further collaboration, contribution, discuss, bringing new ideas during this ECRA annual meeting to improve safety caving at all.

We are looking forward to meet you in Orfű, Hungary.

Organizing Committee:
Gyula Hegedűs, Hungarian Cave Rescue Service
Dinko Novosel, Croatian Mountain Rescue Service, Cave Rescue Commission
Darko Bakšić, president of ECRA
Alberto Ubertinio, vice-president of ECRA


Gyula Hegedűs: hegedusgyula@t-online.hu Phone: +363 061 96 639
Dinko Novosel: dinko.novosel@gmail.com Phone: +385 915 179 431

Thank you for having expressed such great interest to participate 9th European Cave Rescue Meeting in Orfű!

Darko Bakšić,
president of ECRA

Here you can see the Program of the 9th European Cave Rescue Meeting.


In the „Mecsek Háza” – sleeping bag necessary but there are limited places (incuded in participation fee).

Tent area (incuded in participation fee):

  • big tent like in Padriciano 2014, but without beds
  • in your own tents

Guest houses (excluded from participation fee).

You can find other and more comfortable accommodation possibilities here.

Visa is not required from citizens of most European countries. Please cosult the Hungarian embassy in your country if you have doubt. The participants can request a „Letter of invitation” by email if necessary.

Special note:
For those who travel from far distance: They will be able to use “Mescek haza” accommodation two days prior meeting, it will be open! Can be arranged shuttle (that somebody pick you up) from Budapest or Zagreb (Croatia) airport, if you find cheap flight solution by some low cost company. Please noticed in registration form!

Please send us fulfil registration form as soon as possible that we can prepare enough beds and food! Registration can be done in site.

Participation fee: 50 EUR/person
The participation fee can be paid during registration of participants.

Participation fees include:

  • accomodation in the research house and tent area
  • breakfast, lunch, dinner

Please download, fill registration form and send it to the organization committee.

We encourage you to present your work and activity, specifically cave rescue operations. Other topics also welcomed.

The official language of the European Cave Rescue Meeting 2015 is English. All presentations should be announced during registration. No simultaneous translation will be provided.

Maximum duration of oral presentations and movies can be 15 minutes. If you need longer time, please contact the organisers to provide an appropriate time in program.