Organization and educational system, Cave Rescue Service of Slovenia
Presentation by Damijan Šinigoj, Cave Rescue Service of Slovenia Organization and educational system, Cave Rescue Service of Slovenia
Presentation by Damijan Šinigoj, Cave Rescue Service of Slovenia Organization and educational system, Cave Rescue Service of Slovenia
Presentation by Karl-Blimetsrieder, HÖHLENRETTUNG BADEN – WÜRTTEMBERG e.V. Cave Rescue Education, Höhlenrettung Baden – Württemberg e.V.
Presentation by Antoniya Vlaykova, Cave Rescue, Bulgaria Cave Diving Accident, Kipilovo, Bulgaria
Presentation by dr. Maks Merela, Cave Rescue Service of Slovenia Cave rescue operation in cave Primadona
Presentation by Vladimir Georgiev, Cave Rescue, Bulgaria Cave Rescue Education in Bulgaria
Presentation by Dinko Novosel Croatian Mountain Rescue Service, Cave Rescue Commission (CMRS CRC) Pyrotechnic tool
Presentation by Giussepe Conti Corpo Nazionale Soccorso Alpino E Speleologico, Commissione Tecnica Speleologica Digital data transmission for caving rescue operations
Presentation by Miha Staut, Cave Rescue Service of Slovenia Some findings on the behaviour of rope clamps Fmax results Staut n8 np Staut n8 sp Staut n10 np Staut n10 sp Staut o10 np Staut o10 sp Staut on lifeline…
Presentation by Darko Bakšić Croatian Mountain Rescue Service Cave Rescue Commission (CMRS CRC) Breaking a rope during ‘’Counterweight on Tyrolean traverse’’
The Second Announcement Split, CROATIA 11th-13th November 2016 Organized by: Croatian Mountain Rescue Service Cave Rescue Commission (CMRS – CRC) on a behalf of European Cave Rescue Association