Cave  Rescue  Team  of  the  Hellenic  Federation  of  Speleology

The Cave Rescue Team was founded in 1989 and together with the Canyoning Rescue Team, it has been  part  of  the  Hellenic  Federation  of  Speleology  (FHS) since 2001, the year the Federation was  founded. It is inscribed in the General Secretariat for Civil Protection’s register of volunteer groups and cooperates with the Special Disaster Management Unit (EMAK) of the Fire Brigade, which is the official  body  responsible  for  dealing  with  accidents  in  caves  and  canyons.  The Team has about 80  active members, who are speleologists from the clubs making up the FHS and from elsewhere, while there are a total of over 140 trained cave rescuers. 

In Greece, there are no other organized groups which can act in case of accidents inside caves. The team  can  intervene  throughout  the  country  as  its  members belong to clubs across the country. In  case of a major incident it is possible for additional rescuers to be transferred by helicopter by the Fire Brigade.

The team has intervened in all the major cave accidents in Greece and conducts regular exercises and training for its members. 


Margarita Kanelidou: 0030 6944 562959

Giorgos Mazonakis: 0030 6970 961599

Web page: http://​
